Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eye Test

前几天去检查眼睛,因为这里的NHS服务很好,我们如果可以申请到NHS Help with health cost, 很多东西都是免费。包括Free prescriptions, free dental treatment, free sight test, free glasses and contact lenses, free wigs and fabric supports & travel to receive NHS treatment. 当然,我们学生就很容易请到咯。

那我上星期六就闲着没事做,就带着我的NHS Certificate到一家眼镜行。一进去那里,我就被安排到那里排队等。结果到我的时候,那个人要我把我的Contact lens脱掉,然后就坐在一个机器那里(有检查过眼睛的人都懂这个机器)。之后,那个机器还会喷药的,不懂为什么还要喷我的眼睛,蛮奇怪的。


OK, eye test 完毕。他说我要做眼睛的话他马上可以帮我做。我就问他我可以做Contact Lens吗,她说如果你要做Contact Lens, 我必须see the contact lens consultant, to carry out the contact lens test. You have to bring all your things here including your specs, contact lens, and your solution before we can do anything for you.
我就有一点swt. 做一个眼镜这么麻烦。之后她就加一句。
It's not like Malaysia. The regulation here is very strict. We need to make sure every process is done before we can make any prescriptions. =.=

结果她跟我说,Contact lens examination is not covered by NHS, you have to pay £20. 我当时就没钱,结果我就跟他说我该次book appointment后再来。我就这样花了一个小时在做这个sight test.

我现在还在想,我到底是不是不如去malaysia买contact lens就好,然后在那里做一幅designer glasses就好呢?那样我就不用花£20 leh......