Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't stop dreaming!!!

Susan Boyle reminds me of dreaming. Those things we always hoped for and dreamed about when we were young. Things that you always want to do but got discouraged, or because it's less practical?.

This lady has just recently appeared in a British competition called Britain's Got Talent --- ie everyone who thinks s/he has got talent can enrol for audition.

Do you think she can sing??

Well, most people who was watching the audition in the auditorium thought she was one of those retards, even the judges.. They laughed at her and mocked at her when she said her dream was to become a professional singer like Elaine Paige and guess what, they got a taste of the most brilliant and stunning performance ever! When she started her first bar, nearly everyone in the auditorium stood up and cheered for her. The whole auditorium was literally brought to CLIMAX!!

It took her less than a week to break America! She has now global fans including famous actor and actress, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.

who say "Be realistic, you dreams will never gonna feed your stomach."
who say "You should stop dreaming because you failed!"
who say "It's too late, look at me, I'm not those 18, 19 young people out who are there full of dreams."

Susan Boyle said it's never too late to dream.
Susan Boyle said it's never too late when your dream comes true..
Susan Boyle dreamed her dream when she was 47!!

Sometimes things turned out very different and circumstances may turn you down, but no matter what, there WILL be one day, that critical moment when light shines and chases away dark clouds. There WILL be this day!!

Remember, the key to success is
Consistency of pursuing, and never give up!

Full video of her audition at
(I think due to copyright reason embedding has been disabled)

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